Online Shopping on the Rise

Online Shopping on the Rise

With fears of Covid-19 still looming over the country, it should not come as a surprise that more and more people are shopping online. Discounts are what many of them are looking for – again because of the pandemic. With unemployment at historic highs, discount deals are almost a necessity these days. 

“For the first time ever, shoppers are going to the web for most of their purchases,” 

Fortune reported in June. “An annual survey by analytics firm comScore (SCOR) and UPS (UPS) found that consumers are now buying more things online than in stores.”

That makes total sense, when going to the grocery store or the drugstore requires the donning of PPE (personal protective equipment) as well as a little faith in your fellow shoppers, who you hope are following CDC guidelines. 

Back in March, when the novel coronavirus forced businesses across the country to close their doors, no one dreamed we would still be living under the threat of a deadly virus four months later. The $1200 stimulus checks the government sent out might have seemed effective when we were thinking in terms of needing a little help to tide us over for a matter of weeks, but months later Americans are still in need of economic relief, making online discount stores a popular destination. 

The Payroll Protection Program – better known as the PPP – has offered hope to some small businesses. The program, however, has been marred by problems ranging from the way large companies have taken advantage of the program to grab millions of dollars in taxpayer money they don’t need and won’t have to repay to small businesses being hampered by the strict limits placed on the use of the loan funds. The rules that guide PPP loans keep changing.

We can’t help you file for forgiveness of your PPP loan or get the government to send out another round of stimulus checks, but we can offer you discounted toys – for your kids you’re your pets! Our online store also has discounts on beauty supplies, home décor and sporting equipment. In fact, you’ll find loads of great discount deals right here at USA Discount Deals.